Monday, August 3, 2009

How To Stop Blushing For Good? This Is The Best Place To Start

To be able to control or dramatically reduce blushing really depends on the root cause. There are two main causes of blushing so let's look at them both right now -
  • Psychological causes
Many believe that blushing is not natural. However, the confusion lies in that blushing itself is perfectly natural and the fact is some have more tendencies to blush than others. In some people, blushing is more distinct than in others which, for those concerned about blushing, can add to the psychological issues related to self consciousness - basically meaning the person is conscious and embarrassed about their blushing. This can cause a manifestation in the blush as they become more aware of it and become more embarrassed as a result.
The solution therefore, is to overcome the psychological triggers that make us feel embarrassed in order to 'break the circuit' and stop this vicious circle.
One of the most effective, drug free solutions is hypnotherapy. There are many ways to use this method and the best part is that it can be done from home so there is less anxiety experienced whilst trying to overcome your blushing issues.
Another more advanced and specialist psychological treatment is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This is a very powerful method that has evolved over time to become one of the most talked about, drug free ways to treat almost any psychological disorder and has been well documented to treat sufferers of excessive blushing or people who feel in their own mind that the reddening of the cheeks or face is a serious problem (even though no-one else does).
  • Physical causes
Everyday exercises or extensive workouts can cause facial redness but this is not to be confused with blushing. It's more common and expected to have a red face after a workout or lifting something heavy but becomes more difficult for the sufferer when in 'normal' circumstances such as in social situations or other relaxed environments. However, some people are more prone to blushing not as a result of psychological triggers but simple due to chemical reactions or even as a result of their blood pressure alone.
These seemingly uncontrollable triggers can often be accounted for by certain foods or drinks we consume, smoking, drugs or for women - by menopause is a common trigger of blushing and facial redness in general.
The best plan of action is to decide which of the main two 'trigger groups' listed above, you fall into. Is it psychological or simply a result of a physical reaction (something you eat, exercise?)
I might suggest that the more common trigger of blushing is a psychological one. But the problem, as I mentioned before, becomes self manifested and becomes worse than it was originally perceived to this manifestation.
The way to stop blushing is to start taking a pro-active approach to your problem (which by reading this you're already on the right path). Decide which group of triggers you belong to and start experimenting with the various treatments available today.
Finally, please do not consider surgery as the ultimate fix for blushing. Surgery can be performed for blushing but is usually only effective when the blushing is caused from an uncontrollable trigger such as high blood pressure, glandular problems or a sympathetic nervous system (which is also a common trigger for excessive sweating).
However I would strongly recommend that you research the many available methods on the market today to help you overcome this issue. There are many resources and fellow sufferers to support you and that share the same issues. Just remember you're not alone and you're not without hope of a resolution to uncomfortable blushing.
Sick and tired of blushing, facial redness or Rosacea? There is a light at the end if the tunnel and it starts at Don't let these problems stop you from living the life you deserve to live.


The following strategies may be useful to overcome such self-conquering thought habits.
Consider these steps as the building blocks for greater confidence in any aspect of your life.
1. Begin with writing a journal.
One benefit in self-analysis is by using a personal journal or diary. Try to ask yourself what is making you feel or think like you cannot get to a point in your life that you want to achieve. Write any thoughts that come to mind. Also, write down what the meaning of self-confidence is to you.
Dr. Gordon MacDonald, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship president, speaks about the significance of keeping this spiritual practice: “For many years I have kept a daily journal of what I am doing, why I am doing it, and what the results are. Just forcing it onto paper makes me ask what is going on in my life.” That method will guarantee a particular quantity of impartiality, for when we look at our feelings and our lives on paper, it is easier to see our faults and the aspects where we are misleading ourselves.
Bear in mind, practices such as this do not work for everyone, and if, after experimenting with a journal, it does not increase your self-confidence, merely scrap the idea.
2. Concentrate on your strengths rather than on your weaknesses.
Confidence comes from within. You have to concentrate on the positive things about yourself. Remember the past is over; you can only change the future. Write down ten positive things about yourself. Go through your journal and look at all the positive things about yourself. Concentrate on your potentials. These are the reasons you should love yourself and have high self-confidence in yourself. Give yourself credit for every positive thing you have written about yourself. Remember, you’re somebody special.
3. Accept and love yourself.
Learn to accept and love yourself for who you are as a person. Everyone has their own distinctive abilities, qualities and characteristics. We are all born differently for a reason. Don’t ever compare yourself to others.
Note also the things that make you unique. Instead of wasting mental energy strategizing how to be more like the herd, you might do better to use some of your thinking time on how you want to set yourself off from the crowd. In your journal, for example, it might be effective to make a list from time to time under the title, “How I Seem to Be Different.” Write down the interests and preferences that make you distinct.
You must also make a list of all your positive traits and strong points on your journal. By doing this, you are telling yourself that you too have praise-worthy characteristics like others. You will like yourself and feel confident about yourself after this.
4. Remind yourself of past successes.
Confidence builds on past success. Because you had success before, you can (and will) have it once more. We strengthen our confidence in any interest when we remind or review ourselves of past successes. If you are trying to develop confidence in a new aspect, past success can still be useful in strengthening our confidence. For instance, if you had success in doing something new in the past, recall those experiences when trying something else new – even if it is in a completely different part of your life.
5. Motivate yourself.
Whether it is for a presentation or for an interview, remind yourself that you can do it. Encourage yourself each day and soon you will find your confidence level increasing. Another helpful way for motivation is that after work or study each day, you should make a list of at least five things that you did well for that day.
6. Take risks.
Try doing things that you’ve never tried before. It’s always a little bit of a challenge in doing new things and just the act of accepting these challenges, some little and some big, whether we are successful or not, frequently improves our self-confidence. Approach new experiences as opportunities to learn instead of occasions to win or lose. Doing so brings you new opportunities and can improve your sense of self-acceptance. Not doing so turns every possibility into an opportunity for failure, and inhibits self-growth.
People who have a high level of self-confidence do not fear to go out and “do it now.” They may have no more talent or capability than anyone else, but going out and doing “it” is no problem because they feel confident they will succeed. They are less afraid of committing mistakes and utilize more opportunities to succeed than those who have low self-confidence. Self-confident people probably commit more mistakes than those who are not self-confident, but they most likely have far more successes than the average because of their confidence in themselves.
7. Acknowledge your success.
Give yourself credit for everything you try. By emphasizing on what you can do, you applaud yourself for efforts instead of focusing on end products. Starting from a foundation of what you must do helps you live within the bounds of your inevitable weaknesses.
One’s achievements have considerable significance for building a strong sense of self-worth. You must acknowledge your success for every task or job you do. Congratulate yourself each time you succeed. Reward yourself each time you do something that makes you feel satisfied ... go out some place or take it easy for the day. If you don’t do well, correct your mistakes. Be careful about reproving yourself, except in severe instances.
Remember, you’re number one! You must learn to accept who you are, be proud of the person you are. Only then will you feel your self-confidence rise up to the skies!
These steps are a regimen for strengthening and building your self-confidence in any life circumstances. Make use of these steps and I am confident, you will be more confident.
Author: Mickaƫl Kerenterff. For more information, please visit my website at where you can grab a free e-course about Self Confidence Secrets. You will discover How To Build Up Courage, Improve Your Relationships, Boost Your Morale, and Live The Life You Want With Unshakable Confidence!